Learn More About Our

Dance Competition Rules & Regulations

Please Read Prior to Participation!

Competition Schedule

Approximately 7 days before competition, studio directors will receive an email including their registered routines. When directors receive their schedule, it is their responsibility to inform Turn It Up Dance Challenge VIA EMAIL of any necessary registration errors by the deadline given. No changes will be taken over the phone. Performance times and routine numbers may vary SLIGHTLY once you receive the final schedule the week of the competition weekend. If your studio has not paid in full, your entries will not be included in the schedule.

Routine Categories


Classical ballet style and technique with the use of ballet slippers.


Classical ballet style and techniques with the use of Pointe shoes.


Creating syncopated rhythms with the use of tap shoes.


Classical jazz style and techniques.


Tap style where the dancer’s tap strikes the heel and toe to create audible percussive rhythms, usually to the downbeat with the heel keeping the rhythm.


Street dance with isolated movements to contemporary music.

Street Jazz/Funk

Sub-genre blending elements of funk, hip-hop, and classical jazz. Often emphasizes the down beat, isolations, and angular movement. Choreography utilizes a more commercialized mindset with less strictness to the classic origins of jazz and hip-hop.


Movements should interpret the lyrics of the music.


Emphasis on the elements of movement such as centering, posture, spacial awareness, and imagery.


Inventive movements incorporating different styles with classical foundation.


Portraying any easily recognized character such as a doll or a clown etc.

Musical Theater

Any style of dance interpreting a song from Broadway, movie, or musical.


Any routine incorporating one or more ethnic styles of dance. 


Any category not pertaining to the above categories.


Any routine containing a combination of tumbling movements and passes incorporated with dance movements.

Pom Pon

Any routine displaying precision marching and sharp choreography with the use of pom pons. Must utilize pom-pons for at least 50% of the routine.

A maximum of 4 acrobatic tricks may be done in any category except acro and open or any production routine, which may have an unlimited number of tricks.

An acrobatic trick is considered anything where both feet pass over the head and the body is airborne. Such as, but not limited to, back handspring, back tuck, front/side aerials, etc. An acro pass is considered one trick. Example: round off back handspring, round off back handspring back tuck. The following movements are not included in the acrobatic trick count: handstands, cartwheels, front/back walkovers, forward rolls, kip up variations and other transitional movements. Also, if an entire group executes one ariel at the same time or in a ripple effect, that is considered 1 trick.

Any routine that is placed in the incorrect category will be changed to the correct category.



Turn It Up Dance Challenge recommends contestants enter this level if they have little to no competition experience. Dancers in this level can only perform in 6 or less routines. Productions not included in count.


Turn It Up Dance Challenge recommends contestants enter this level if they have moderate competition experience. Dancers in this level can only perform in 11 or less routines. Productions not included in count.


Turn It Up Dance Challenge recommends contestants enter this level if they have significant competition experience. Dancers who perform in 12 or more routines must be in the competitive level. Productions not included in count. A competitive dancer cannot compete in a novice routine. 


Any routine that contains 50% or more full time teachers or professional dancers must enter at the Pro-Amateur level. A professional dancer is one who is currently being paid to perform either on Broadway or television professionally. If a contestant is a paid actor only, they are not considered a professional dancer. If they are paid to be a dancer on a reality series they are not a paid professional dancer.

ROUTINE PLACEMENT: Routines are calculated based on the level of each dancer. Dancers' level will automatically bump to the appropriate level based on their number of routines.
Duos/Trios: The highest level dancer will determine the placement of the routine.
ALL Group routines: The majority of the group determines the level of the routine. If a dance is 50/50 split, the dance will be placed in the higher level.
**If 2 or more judges agree that a routine is not in the correct level, that routine will be bumped to the appropriate level determined by the judges.


High scores will be given in the Novice, Intermediate, and Competitive categories for Tiny, Mini, Junior, Teen, and Sr. Teen ages. Pro Amateur, Adult, and Adult+ routines are ineligible for high scores.

Only Competitive and Intermediate routines can be invited to participate on the Turn It Up National Dance Team.

Novice routines are not eligible for the 11&under and 12&up Overall Highest Scoring Solo/Duo/Trio of the entire competition.

Age Groups


5 years & under


6-8 years


9-11 years


12-14 years

Senior Teen

15-18 years


19-30 years


30+ years


Ages will be recorded as of January 1st which is the start of the season.

Age categories for all entries will be determined by taking the average age of all participants in that entry and dropping the decimal point.
If a protest regarding age arises, competitors must be prepared to present proof of age. All protests must be made in writing and signed by the protester within 30 minutes of the incident and passed to the director of the competition. At that point proper IDENTIFICATION WILL BE REQUIRED by the contestant in the form of a Birth Certificate, Passport or License.

Time Limits & Number of Dancers


(1 dancer)

3min 00sec


(2-3 dancers)

3min 50sec

Small Groups

(4-9 dancers)

3min 50sec

Large Groups

(10-19 dancers)

3min 50sec


(20+ dancers)

3min 50sec


(15+ dancers)

6min 50sec


Solos/Duos/Trios - receive up to 1 additional minute
Groups/Productions - receive up to 8 minutes and 50 seconds

*A production uses sizeable props and scenery to convey a story or theme throughout their performance.

One point will be deducted for every 5 Seconds over time limit. Timing will begin when music starts (if no music, once dancers take first step) and will stop when last performer is off the stage. This does not include prop removal.

Extended PLUS time is available for routines that exceed 8 minutes and 50 seconds. Contact our office for pricing information.


Studios are now required to upload their music online after completing their registration. Music must be uploaded in the online registration portal at least two weeks prior to your scheduled event. Please contact our office if you have any issues while uploading. We still ask that you bring a back up option (USB Flash Drive, iPod, or iPad) to the competition in case there is an issue with the uploaded music. CDs will NOT be accepted as backup music.

If music skips or fails at anytime during a performance due to faulty music supplied by the studio, Turn It Up Dance Challenge can not allow that routine to perform again. This rule must be strictly enforced in order to give everyone an equal opportunity and to keep the schedule running on time. If music fails to work on the first try, before dancers perform, that routine may be placed on hold until music is found. It is the responsibility of the studio to bring a backup music. Turn It Up is not responsible for any USB Flash Drives, Ipods, Ipads, etc. that are not collected after an event.

Judging / Deductions

Each entry will be judged by a highly qualified panel of judges. All judges’ decisions will be final. Contacting or speaking to judges is strictly prohibited at all times in order to give a fair chance to all participants.

Routines will be scored out of a possible 300 points (100 points from each judge). Judges will consider technique, execution, stage presence, choreography, and difficulty while scoring.

Ties for first place only will be broken by the highest technique score.


  • ROUTINES MUST BE APPROPRIATE FOR FAMILY VIEWING: Any routine that a judge feels is not appropriate is subject to a deduction or even disqualification. If a judge flags the routine as not appropriate, it will be noted in your studio score sheets after the event.
  • Props must be moved on and off dance floor in a timely manner. If a judge feels that the removal of a prop takes too long points may be deducted. No dangerous props allowed. Dangerous props include but are not limited to knives, swords, anything thrown directly at the judges table that may be harmful, anything that could alter the surface of the dance floor, any prop that is plugged in. Any routine that uses a dangerous prop will receive a max of a 10 POINT deduction or may be disqualified.
  • Points may be deducted if a routine contains more dancers than were registered.

Scoring Grid

Competitive & Intermediate Grid

Platinum-Pro Total Score of 290-300
High Platinum Total Score of 277-289.9
Platinum Total Score of 266-276.9
High Gold Total Score of 255-265.9
Gold Total Score of 254.9 and under

Novice Grid

High Platinum Total Score of 285-300
Platinum Total Score of 265-284.9
High Gold Total Score of 252-264.9
Gold Total Score of 251.9 and under

NEW FOR 2024: Turn It Up Dance Challenge will announce 1st place in each category per level & age.


Props must be moved on and off dance floor in a timely manner. If a judge feels that the removal of a prop takes too long points may be deducted.

NO DANGEROUS PROPS ALLOWED Dangerous props include but are not limited to knives, swords, guns, anything thrown directly at the judges table that may be harmful, anything that could alter the surface of the dance floor. This includes both real and fake weapons. Any routine that uses a dangerous prop will receive a max of a 10 POINT deduction or may be disqualified.

HUMAN PROPS A Human prop is a person acting as a prop and one that can be seen clearly by the audience, but does not dance with the group. Human props must pay as a participant, however they will NOT be factored into the age level of the routine. If a person enters stage simply to hold up a prop from the back and cannot be seen by the audience they are NOT considered a human prop and do NOT have to pay as a participant.

PROPS MAY NOT BE PLUGGED IN. MUST BE BATTERY OPERATED Each venue is equipped with a calculated amount of power and plugging props in could cause a fuse to be blown severely delaying competition.




Title Entry Information

Title awards are given out at both regional and national competitions. Title contestants must be entered in the “competitive” category and must submit 1 SOLO to be considered for the title. These routines must already be entered for competition. Dancers competing for title must compete during their scheduled title round.

Each title contestant must take center-stage and introduce themselves to our judges panel. Their introduction can include saying their name, age, hometown, and performance piece as well as any other information they would like to share. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT MENTION YOUR STUDIO NAME. This introduction should be no shorter than 15 seconds and no longer than 30 seconds. Please practice and time your introductions.

Contestants must submit 1 (only one) recent and professional headshot in color (black and white headshots will not be accepted). Headshots must be emailed to info@turnitupdance.com AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO COMPETITION. All headshots MUST be submitted digitally. We will no longer accept hard copies of headshots. If we do not receive a title photo, dancers will not be eligible to compete for title.

The title score will be a combination score of the contestant’s solo score, their headshot and their introduction for a combination score of up to 480 points (300 for their performance, 90 for their introduction, and 90 for their photo). Contestant's solo score (out of 300 points) will be eligible for overalls.

Please note, regional title winners may not compete for another regional title in that same season. Only regional title winners, and first and second runner ups, will be invited to compete for the national title.

There will be a Mister and Miss Turn It Up Dance Challenge awarded in Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior Teen age groups as well as a 5th, 4th, 4rd, 2nd and 1st  runner up. Title contestants must have a combined total score of at least 392 to place for title when there are no other entries in their category. Dancers in the Tiny age category are not eligible to run for title.

High Score Awards

High scores will be given out at every regional and national competition. We recognize top scoring awards in each age category in the Novice, Intermediate, and Competitive levels! Turn It Up Dance Challenge will award a top 10 for all group routines and a top 15 for all solo routines in each category and age group at Regionals and a top 15 for all group routines and a top 20 for all solo routines in each category and age group at National events. The high score in each age group will win the following cash prizes and scholarships.

Regional Competition - High Score Awards

SOLO $50 $50 $75
DUO/TRIO $50 $50 $75
SM GROUP $100 $100 $125
LG GROUP $150 $150 $175
LINE $200 $200 $250
PRODUCTION $200 $200 $250

*Scholarship dollars will be awarded in the Novice, Intermediate, and Competitive levels.

National Competition - High Score Awards

SOLO $100 $100 $100
DUO/TRIO $100 $100 $100
SM GROUP $150 $150 $150
LG GROUP $200 $200 $200
LINE $250 $250 $250
PRODUCTION $250 $250 $250

*Scholarship dollars will be awarded in the Novice & Intermediate levels. Cash will be awarded in the Competitive level. 

At Nationals, if there are 10 or more entries in a given category and age group, cash prizes will be presented to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. *Competitive Routines Only.

Nationals Only: Routines performing outside of their scheduled session will not be eligible for overalls.


• Soloists may only win high scores one time in each age category. TOP 15 given for all solo age categories!

• There must be at least 5 routines in each age group and category to be eligible for cash or scholarships excluding lines and productions.

• For LINES & PRODUCTIONS ONLY – There must be at least 5 routines in each age group and category -OR- you must score a high platinum or higher to be eligible for cash prizes.

• Overall Highest Scoring Solo and Overall Highest Scoring Duo/Trio will receive a trophy and a full Convention Scholarship.

• Pro-Amateur and Adult routines will be adjudicated but are not eligible for high score awards.

• If a routine performes outside its scheduled category block, it is not eligible for Judge's Choice Awards.

Additional Info

Turn It Up Dance Challenge is not responsible for any lost or stolen items during any competition. Please take extra precautions.

Turn It Up Dance Challenge realizes that much effort is placed on the art of choreography and costuming. Therefore, we protect our choreographers and dancers by prohibiting photography and video of any kind. TAKING PHOTOS OR VIDEO IS PROHIBITED DURING PERFORMANCES and may lead to disqualification.

All participants are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and treat students with respect. Also, participants are expected to be respectful of dressing rooms making sure to leave it the way you found it upon arrival. When in the audience, please stay seated and keep talking to a minimum during all performances. We look forward to having a great competition!

Entry fees and deposits are non-transferable and non-refundable.

Rules and Regulations are subject to change each season.